2020 Tax Requirements

2020 Tax Requirements Form

In order to better assist you in the preparation of your 2020 tax return, we’ve created this questionnaire of the information we will need.

2020 Tax Requirments

Additional Explanation:

  • Question 2: Estimated Payments would be defined as four quarterly payments, which would have been made in April, June, September and January. Not everyone has a requirement to make estimated payments.
  • Question 3: Most people received a stimulus payment of $1200 per individual and $500 per qualifying child during the mid-2020. This payment was made in the form of a direct deposit, check, or prepaid debit card. The government issued another round of stimulus payments of $600 per individual in early 2021.
  • Question 4: You might receive a tax credit if you were self-employed and are able to document that you were ordered to quarantine. To claim the credit, you must be able to provide government or healthcare issued orders to quarantine. If you were sick and did not get tested you will not receive the credit.
  • Question 6: Most colleges issue the required 1098-T directly to the students. This form is usually delivered electronically to their school account. You will need to contact your child and have them print it for you.

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